Saturday, January 9, 2010

Roger is 25!

On Tuesday Roger had his 25th birthday! Phew, a whole quarter of a century old! For breakfast we went to Kneaders for their amazing all-you-can-eat french toast. Then he had a rough day... He only had one class and he took the day off work, so he got to play his new video game pretty much all day. For dinner we went to Texas Roadhouse with the Pughs.

We made sure we didn't leave until he got some "saddle action."
Then we played Beatles Rockband which we discovered is oh so much more fun than regular Rockband because we know almost all of the songs. (We got it for Christmas, but hadn't had time to play it until then.)
On Friday night we had some friends from our ward over for a little party. We had a great time playing games, chatting, and laughing.
Today we went to Tucanos to use his free meal, bought him some new jeans, and saw Avatar. I was very skeptical, but it actually was pretty good...very different, but good.
I'm so grateful that my honey bunches was born 25 years ago. I don't know what I would do without him! Love you babe!
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  1. So Rog, I'm only twice as old as you are!

    Sounds like you had a very happy birthday. Wish we could have been there with you.

    Glad you like Beatles Rock band and enjoyed celebrating Roger's birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Rog, you sexy thang! And many, many more, youngster! :)

  3. it was a good birthday, but i did get a little nervous when we started calling it "Saddle Action"

  4. pffft! i was hoping you would be riding one of those mechanical bulls or something, Roger! now t h a t would have been a sight to see!

    "Saddle Action"....hum, i just might have to steal that term.....
