Thursday, January 28, 2010

Emily's Birthday

Last weekend we celebrated Emily's birthday. First we went to Red Robin for dinner.

Then we headed over to the Wilk to meet some more friends for bowling. We had a few minutes to burn, so I showed them the little known secrets of the Wilk that I learned when I worked there as an Accounting Clerk one summer. This is a picture made entirely out of nails! It's tucked away in a stairwell that no one ever visits. I also showed them the "Wall of Abandoned Pictures" - basically the hall where they put pictures when they are replaced.

Then we bowled. I don't think I have bowled for at least 2 years and I did AWFUL! I never used to get under 100... I don't remember my final score, but I know it wasn't over 100. At least I beat Rog who also had a bad night bowling. But we still had fun. Here's my future in about 4-5 months! They wanted me to stick the ball under my shirt, but I declinded.

Finally we headed over to the Pugh's apartment for cake and ice cream. It was such a fun night! Thanks Emily for having a birthday!!
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  1. Woo hoo! An entire post about ME. I feel so honored :) Don't worry, I'll keep having birthdays, lets say once a year! Glad you guys came.

  2. Looks like fun!

    You are lookin' a little pregnant, Shauna dear . . .
