Sunday, January 24, 2010

Guess who got a job?!!

This week Rog received an offer to work for KLAS as a project manager! KLAS is the company he is currently working for in Orem. We feel very blessed that he was able to get an offer with the economy in its current state. And this wasn't an offer for just any job, this is an offer for a great job! Not only is it in the healthcare industry (which is where he wants to end up), but it also pays well and has great health insurance (much better than our current insurance we have through APX), a 401-K, 20 days of paid sick or vacation leave (I only got 10 at APX), and 10 paid holidays! Yes, we are very fortunate people.

Now that we know what we are going to be doing when he graduates, we can start looking for a house or townhouse. We're thinking we'll end up in either American Fork or Lehi. Why not Orem you may ask? Well, I am VERY ready to get as far away from Provo as possible (without making Rog drive more than about 20 minutes to work) seeing as how I've been here for almost 6 full years. And from what we've seen we'll be able to get a fairly new house or townhouse in our price range there.

And another perk of knowing what we are doing:

I can start my countdown to retirement! We have to work out the kinks of switching insurances without having to pay COBRA too long, so I might have to add a few links. But this chain represents the days I have left of work. I didn't include weekends or days I won't be working (President's day and my birthday). I'd say that is pretty SwEeT!!

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  1. All i'll say is that we are very blessed.

  2. YAY! Congrats guys, that's so exciting!

  3. Thanks Roger for impressing your employer and consequently getting the awesome job offer. I especially like the idea that my son-in-law, daughter and grandbaby won't be any further away from me than that!

    I like the link idea. What do the links say? Maybe your dad should make a chain of the days left until he retires. Maybe each link should be a month instead of a day.

  4. Woo!! Two hands in the air! We are so excited for you two- even though it means you won't live acress the street anymore!

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