Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's a Boy!!

Well, I think the title says it all... It's a boy! Our ultrasound was Friday afternoon. The lady doing the ultrasound said everything looks good which is the most important thing. She was great about explaining what we were looking at. I'm pretty sure I would have freaked out if she was just silent the whole time, so we were grateful she talked to us. She asked if we wanted to know the sex and of course we said yes! Here's the proof.

We also got a picture of the face, the arms, and a little foot! The foot is the cutest, so I'm posting that one.

I was just a tiny bit disappointed because I wanted to buy cute little girl stuff, so I went to Target and picked out his first little outfit to convince myself that there is cute boy stuff out there too! Now that we know we're having a boy I can start planning the nursery colors and stuff. I'm thinking green and brown with some blue.

We've had a boy name and a girl name ready since before I was even pregnant. We are going to name the little guy Corbyn Roger Phillips. All weekend we've been calling him Corby thanks to Roger's mom. She said it as a joke, but it has kind of stuck.

And finally, here is my growing belly at 19 weeks. Don't say that there isn't a belly there because I was much skinnier before!! I can't buckle my jeans anymore, so obviously I am growing!

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  1. Ok. There is no belly. I no you said not to say that, and I know you see the changes in yourself more than other people, but seriously. There is no belly. Mine is gigantic. :)

  2. WOW! Baby Corbyn (Corby) is very photogenic!

    Cute little foot - dear grandbaby:)

  3. He is going to be awesome.

  4. "5, 5, 5, 5, 1....It's a boy!"

    "L,l,l, ladies and G,g,g, gentlemen, Intro-ducing the staring Center for the Salt Lake Jazzzzzzzz!"
    (Partially borrowed from "Dan"...on "Rosanne").

    If you only knew how long i've been waiting to say that!

    Yay, yay, baby's okay! :)

    Chief, you look great...i believe you abd may be my goal...

  5. that should be "starting" and "abs"....there's something to be said about proof reading...

  6. Roger, You look so cute and proud.

    Shauna Lovely as always.

    See, i was going to make some silly, trying to be funny remark about Rog's shirt, but i held myself back...i am trying. ;)

    i shuts up now.

  7. Congrats! So awesome! You look great.

  8. haha I did the EXACT same thing when we found out it was a boy! I still get frustrated in stores sometimes since they always have twice as much girls stuff but there is lots of cute boy stuff out there too!

  9. haha! I was going to comment and then read Kirsten's! I was going to say the exact same thing, so I won't... :) But there are some cute clothes, you just have to look harder. And I went to the Target at Fort Union around Christmas and they had a really good selection of cute boy clothes... just so ya know.

  10. Congratulations!!! Yea for a little boy! And his name is so cute! You two will be the coolest parents! That little dude is super lucky!!!
