Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy Saturday


Sleep in

Initiatory at the Provo temple (We were supposed to go to Ogden or Oquirrh Mountain, but you'll see why we didn't as you continue reading...)

New garments at the BYU Bookstore

Deseret Book

Sweet Tooth Fairy

Go home, get ready for the day

Look at 3 homes (1 we liked, the other 2 were in a nice looking neighborhood, but all the people were way ghetto.)

Stop at home for a quick PB&J Sandwich


Distribution Center to exchange garments (I accidentally bought the tall bottoms earlier. The lady asked, "Why did you buy tall ones?" which we thought was pretty funny seeing as how I was returning them for regular ones. Wasn't it obvious I didn't mean to?!)

Bed Bath & Beyond to buy a wedding gift and a smoothie maker for us (Now you have to teach me how to use it, Emily!)

Wood Connection in Murray (The rocking chair I wanted had an unknown ship date and the craft store closed before we got there. BOOO!)

Dinner at Sonic for me and Burger King for Rog

IKEA to look at coffee tables (They didn't have any we liked. Again, BOOO!)

Wedding Reception in American Fork (Our TomTom freaked out and we ended up driving back and forth on the freeway like 3 times before finding the place.)


Finally home!!

Cuddle while watching Julie and Julia together (I loved it and actually stayed awake the whole time which is amazing considering all the stuff we did.)


  1. "....the people were way ghetto"?


    Wow, you know how to pack a Saturday! And two different burger joints...gotta love it!

  2. Sorry your day had some glitches but you still accomplished much:)
