Thursday, January 14, 2010

Once there was a snowman

For my latest craft, I got my inspiration from this pumpkin. I thought if pumpkins don't have to be round, snowmen don't have to be round either.

And this is what I got.

The only hard part was the nose. I enlisted the help of a Rog and his pocketknife. Magically this tiny wooden milk can...

...became our snowman's nose! Isn't he so talented?!

Happy January everyone!
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  1. And I still have all of my fingers.

  2. I don't know why Rog is wasting his time in college. He should be a wood whittler ;)

    And again, I LOVE how the snowman turned out!

  3. Nice job with the nose Roger!

    Cute idea dear Shauna!

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