Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby and the last you will hear about our E.C.

Yesterday we had another baby appointment. We got to hear the heartbeat again which is always very reassuring for my always-worrying self. They scheduled my 20-week ultrasound for January 29th. I'll actually only be 19 weeks and 3 days, but that's just fine with me! So in less than 3 weeks we will know if Baby Phillips is a boy or a girl. I've always wanted a girl first, but as long as it's healthy I don't really care. At least that's what I'm going to try to convince myself, so I'm not too disappointed if it's a boy. I added a poll to the sidebar, so go ahead and make a guess.

I'm in that awkward phase where if you didn't know I'm pregnant, you would just think I am getting a little chubby around the middle. We took the first picture of my "bump" last Sunday. Now I understand why people don't post more belly pictures. But I always enjoy seeing them, so here you go.

In other news, we figured out what to do with our extra entertainment center. Although we could have stored it at my grandparent's house, someone didn't want to go to all that effort. (Hint, it wasn't me.) I wasn't thrilled with this option, but I can live with it. With this addition, pretty much every inch of our wall space in our bedroom has some sort of furniture covering it. It's not ideal, but I'd rather have it here than in our living room for everyone to see.

We finally got our living room back in order with pictures hung. Even though we'll only be here 4 more months, it's important to me that our front room looks nice for when people come visit. I'm very happy with how it turned out.

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  1. You still look pretty skinny. Glad baby is doing well!

    That's a great idea to move your entertainment center to your bedroom. Why didn't I think of that! Looks like the froggies enjoy their new home.

    Your living room looks nice too. Glad you have lots of friends to visit you. Wish we were closer so we could visit more often. . .

  2. You look adorable, you tiny thing you...and you still will, at 12-er 9 months!

  3. so I take it those people wanted that entertainment center back? what happened?

  4. move the entertainment center to the back room or to salt lake... let me think about this.

  5. Think r e a l hard, Roger!

    Great hilarity...i'm wanting to learn the "Jai Ho" dance....!

  6. Ummmmm..Shauna- I dont see a baby bump? :)

  7. I'm just glad that the frogs still have somewhere to sleep :) I hope the ribbets don't keep you up at night.
