Saturday, February 27, 2010

23 weeks

5 months down... 4 to go!

As you should see there is a definite baby bump there now. We had our appointment yesterday. The doctor took one look at me and said, "I bet people tell you that you don't even look pregnant." Then he proceeded to tell me that it is because I'm small and my muscles are strong and it's my first pregnancy. He measured me and said I am exactly where I should be, so even though I don't look all that big, Corby is growing just fine.

He's also moving around more and more each day which I LOVE!! I really didn't realize how big of a difference it would make!
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  1. Good job Corby:)

    Cute tummy Shauna:)

    We had fun shopping for baby clothes for Corby - Hope he likes what we bought:)

  2. Awwww, baby, baby...!

    Okay, i'm the first to admit i watch waaay too much junk tv (the other saturday morning i watched t h r e e hours of "America's Next Top Model"-Hey, i desperately need my Thinspo). You can imagine how much Chris loves that...hey, if i were him, i would just sit back and enjoy. Who knows, maybe.... However, i don't think yesterday's viewing of "Keeping Up With the Kardasians" was a waste. (T h a t ' s right, i have been known to peek in on them).
    Chloe (i think that's her name...with so many dark haired, lovely ladies running around that place, how to keep track?), had her baby! Now, here is the extra cool part for all you expecting moms and dads out there, i assume you know who you are...she got to, well, partially, deliver the little critter by was sooo great. The doctor said, "Now reach down and get your baby" and so she did. Just took hold of the baby under his arms and there he was, snuggling on her chest. So, i used to think she was just this spoiled brat, but i do believe i have a new respect for her. You guys would have l o v e d it, especially you, Roger, i just know it!!!!! ;0
    Why didn't my doctor let me do that? Well, okay it wasn't my doctor, it was a sub, but that really didn't matter, as i never did bond with him.....whatever....yakkkkity smakkkity....we all know who this is about anyway.......

    Next report on "America's Top Model".....that photo shoot they did concerning the Seven Deadly Sins...can you name them? (the sins, not the models!)

    Huggies (yar, yar!) to all!
