Saturday, February 27, 2010


I started this craft over Christmas Break and I finally finished it today. Well, I finished the tile board part a few weeks ago, but I couldn't find the right frame. It was unbelieveable how hard it was to find a 5x7 frame in this color. So I found an unfinished wood one and painted it.

If you would like to make one there is an excellent video tutorial on youtube, here. They sell the boards and EnviroTex finish at Roberts.

It's our little Corby! Love it!
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  1. Wow, that is so neat! You did a great job on it, and how cute that it is your little boy.

  2. You do the CUTEST crafts! I LOVE IT!

  3. Very nice!

    Little boys are so fun and they L O V E their moms!
