Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Double Digits

Yesterday I looked at the baby ticker on our blog and noticed a pleasant surprise, the days to go is now less than 100. That's right people, we're in the double digits! Today I am 26 weeks pregnant and I am definitely looking and feeling pregnant. I feel HUGE already and I still have 14 weeks to go.
I'm working on getting registered at Babies R Us and Target, but it's all so overwhelming to me. I have no idea what I need! So if anyone has any advice about anything related to this topic, please feel free to send it my way!
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  1. In three months when you read this blog, you'll really chuckle. You don't know the meaning of the word
    H U G E yet!

    Grow Corby Grow :)

  2. Scarlett has been wearing gowns everyday/all day... I put her in an outfit today for the actual first time for her 2 wk check up. gowns/sleepers are so nice b/c it's just elastic/open at the bottom - so easy to change a diaper, which is all I do!! :) I'd have at least 7 of those.

    We have like 8 blankets - a lot. I'd say I only use 4 (at most) normally. Not sure if that helps/ Like the flannel receiving blankets, that we swaddle her in.

    boppy. Def have a boppy pillow.

    mittens/the fuzzy socks (they fall off easily and all the time but they're so easy to put on which is nice)/a few hats. <--- she's always wearing those three things.

    That's all my advice so far when it comes to knowing what you need for at least the first 2 weeks. A swing - has saved me. Really. Def have a swing you can just set your little boy in when you want to shower or cook or do anything really.

    And you look fantastic - not 'huge' at all!! You'll be one of those super cute 9 month prego ladies that you can't tell they're prego if you're walking behind them. No worries for you!

    oh - and I'm glad we got Scarlett a baby book. Take it with you to the hospital, especially to get a copy of her footprints when the hospital staff take his footprints for their own record.

  3. I agree with your Mom, you ain't seen nuthin' yet - as far as huge goes!! When you think that there's no possible way your body can't stretch any further... it does. As for baby gear advice, use craig's list as much as possible! It saved us a TON of $$. It doesn't really matter getting used items because they grow out of them so fast. Give me a call ANYTIME and we can chat about babies. :) How fun!

  4. HUGE? hahaha whatever. I still have 8 weeks to go and Im three times your size! :)

  5. I did too, but I don't think I ended up getting much from the registry and really I don't know why we did... so long story short- don't stress too much about it. (I know probably easier said than done...) ;)

  6. Girl, You are NOT huge!!! You look great! :) So here is my advice for you... because I've only been a mom for 6 weeks! But baby doesn't really needs TONS of stuff right away, really only the basics... so don't stress. I was so stressed out about getting EVERYTHING baby needs right away, but really they just eat, sleep, and poop! So obviously have a supply of diapers and wipes, and a place set up to change him. Clothes ranging from newborn to 3 months. I would suggest having a bouncer, because I wish I bought mine sooner, mainly because Owen HATES the swing. And its Mobile, so you can get in a shower with a bouncer! ;) And if you're going to breastfeed have a supply of nursing bras and pads on hand. :) Plus people are going to give you lots of blankets, so I wouldn't suggest buying any... Owen has LOTS and they are still coming! So there's my little mommy moment for ya! I'm excited for you guys!

  7. Just found your blog through Brett and Ashley :) Congratulations on the baby!!!! They are the BEST! Also, your cake looks awesome - I took that class a few years ago and loved it! Except we had more cake than we even knew what to do with!

  8. Teeney, tiny tummy. You look darling, dah-ling!
    Tons of onsies and those little flannel (receiving?) blankets...and socks!

    When i saw the title of your post, i thought of my UUGW...i wish!

  9. You look cute Shauna! The registering is necessary but not used a ton lol so dont worry about getting EVERYTHING you might need, just an idea of your style (blankets, crib stuff, etc.) and the bigger things youll need (play pen, swing, bouncer, bumbo, play gym, high chair...) It is overwhelming, ugh!
