Sunday, March 14, 2010

Working on our House

While my family was here last weekend we put them to work. They were such a huge help! On Saturday my mom and I were going to put together our table and chairs, but the hardware had been left out of our box. We had to call and have them send it to us. So we put together our vacuum and then went to pick out our fridge. We got a great deal on a stainless steel one complete with an ice maker and a water/ice dispenser on the front. Can you say upgrade?!

How many Riries does it take to put together a vacuum? Ha Ha...

While we were gone, the guys (Rog, my dad, and Jared) painted up a storm.

They didn't get it all done, but they made a lot of progress.

On Monday they all went to IKEA while I was at work to pick up a TON of furniture. And on Tuesday/Wednesday they waited at our house for our washer and dryer/fridge to be delivered and installed while we were at work. We were sad to see them go!

So we're just working on putting furniture together and painting whenever we have free time. And we're moving stuff very slowly over there. We sold our contract for April which was a HUGE blessing, so we'll officially be in our house by March 31st.
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  1. Looks like you guys worked hard, love the colors. Your house looks like it will be darling!

  2. You guys will have fun "playing house" with all your new additions in your newly painted town home :)
