Friday, March 5, 2010

Flashback Friday

For this week's Flashback Friday I thought it would be appropriate to post a birthday picture because today is my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!!

This is from my 21st birthday. I think we both look so young even though it was only 3 years ago.

But the best part of this picture is all the cakes in front of us! I LOVE cake more than anything else, so after I went to class for the day, Diana (my little sis) went on a crazy cooking spree and made me 7 cakes (there is one cake that got cut out of the picture)!! Holy crap that's a lot of cake! It was hilarious and totally made my day!

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  1. She made you SEVEN cakes?!?! Wowza! Spree indeed-how funny! Sweet birthday!

  2. We look like little kids

  3. Happy Birthday Sweetheart:)

    Thanks for letting us share some time with you this evening:)
