Friday, March 12, 2010

One year older and wiser too!

Sorry for my long absence... We've been pretty busy this last week with house stuff, celebrating my birthday, and life in general!

My birthday was GREAT! I took the day off which was a wonderful choice. Rog and I went to see Alice in Wonderland. Before that I'd never seen a movie on the day it came out. I figured that it's not very often a movie comes out on your birthday and especially one you want to see. We both LOVED it!

After the movie we went on a few errands and then met our realtor at our house to get the keys!! That was a pretty good birthday present. :) We went to dinner at Cafe Rio with the Pughs and then came back to our apartment to play games and have cake. My family came up for my little brother's spring break, so they stopped by on their way up to SLC.

My cake was chocolate with cream cheese frosting! So good!

My parents spoiled me with some awesome loot! Lost Cities, a Dyson vacuum, The Tales of Beedle the Bard from Harry Potter, and some cute outfits for Corby!

Thanks to everyone who made my birthday so special!
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  1. how many husbands do you know that get their wife a house on their birthdays?

  2. We love spoiling our children and their spouses:)

    We enjoyed being with Shauna, Roger and Corby last weekend:) Too bad they had to go back to school and work:(

    We also gave her the cute little froggy notepad that matches Corby's pjs:)
