Monday, March 1, 2010


I always give Rog a hard time because he doesn't have passions. He likes things, but he just doesn't get excited about things like I do. One thing he is passionate about is the Olympics. So these last few weeks he spent a lot of his time like this.

Too bad his passion only comes around every two years.

It was a great Olympics! Our nights are going to be so empty now. Only 878 days until London 2012!
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  1. Rog looking cute in glasses...never noticed them before...Hockey was a heartbreaker, eh?

  2. Oh, yeah...i was going to ask you about this...go straight to the source! So, i heard that "You Tube" is b a n n e d at BYU? Is this true? Is it just for on campus folks or everyone who attends? See, i thought it was kinda weird, as one would think the students should be trusted to STAY OFF the naughty sites, yes? And, how is Jared going to survive without being able to watch "What the Buck/peron 75"? (Like he was such a big fan already! Hee. ) Language warning, that's all..."What the Buck".
    So, i shall send, (lucky you) a vid from Michael Buckley (of both shows)...give it a chance, it gets funny when he talks about his
    "parenting skills". (That's if you get it...ooooh, double entondro...or whatever). Hope i didn't already (try) to send it to you!
    Hope i don't offend...i'm your # 1 Offender, i know!

    Oh and did you see Kim Yong (i know i've got her name wron!) skate for the Gold? Sooooo lovely!

    Oh Snap!
    Next up, Dr. Drew and "Celebrity Rehab"...oh, my dear Dr. Drew, how could you have sunk so l

  3. That should be "wrong"...but i think we all know that. Sick of me yet? i know i am...

  4. Sorry your "passion" had to come to an end.

    Oh well, you can study instead :(

  5. Youtube used to be banned on campus, but not anymore. So Jared will be fine. :)
