Tuesday, April 27, 2010

3 Years

I have lots to blog about from this weekend and I'll get to that tomorrow, but tonight I want to focus on what happened 3 years ago today...

We became Rog and Chief Phillips!

*No editing required on that picture. Yes, our day really was that good!

To celebrate I took the day off. (Rog doesn't start his big kid job until next Monday.) We slept in, did sealings at the Ogden temple, and had dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe. And then Rog got lots of brownie points by asking if we could watch our wedding video.

It was a great day and it has been an amazing 3 years! I love you honey bunches!!
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  1. Happy Anniversary Super Citizens!

    Love You!

  2. I knew that would get me brownie points. I love you more Big Chief Raindance.

  3. YAY! Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples. I'm so glad that two such fabulous people found each other and that I had the privilege of knowing you for a while. We miss you! Best wishes for year 4!

  4. Wow - three years! How time flies, now you're having a baby - YES :)

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY - keep celebrating for awhile
