Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wooohoooo, he did it!!

Last Thursday and Friday, Rog officially graduated from BYU!
One word, WOOOOOHOOOOO! (That's one word, right?)
Thursday was Commencement. Roger's mom, dad, and sister, Marti drove from Colorado and my mom and dad drove from St. George to be there. Phat Tony and KD also came down from Salt Lake. Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke about learning as it applies to achieving our eternal purpose here on this earth.
He said, "Today we recognize your very significant achievements. We are happy for you and with you. We place robes on your shoulders and mortar boards, tassels and other marks of honor upon your head and about your neck. At the same time, my plea to you is not to let this achievement or any other success or failure blind you to your central purpose on earth — to learn to do whatsoever the Lord your God may command. ... Without diminishing this day, I urge you to keep your eye on the prize. Let your cap and gown point you to the infinitely greater robe and crown that await you in God's celestial realm."
It was a beautiful, spring day for pictures. After, we had everyone over to our house for dinner.
Friday was Convocation. Because the Marriott School of Management is the biggest (and coolest), they always get to be last. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it rained all day for the other convocations, but it stopped for ours.
I made sure to make it down to take pictures of my graduate after he walked across the stage. And we made sure to take pictures with the cougar outside the stadium because we forgot when I graduated.
We rounded off the celebration by going to Outback for dinner.
I am so proud of my graduate! Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us!
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  1. Yay, Roger, no're a smart, hard workin' one, you are!

    i shall n e v e r forget the very odd quote at my sis' graduation at the same uni..."...we stand here, clothed in the robes of a false priesthood...". i think that's when i decided to go to USU... ;)

    Just like my daddy!

  2. Hee, love the Cosmo pose, Roger!

    Wow, i hope the second act is as good as the first one!

    Too funny!

  3. Glad we were invited :)

    Way to go Roger!

    We love you guys <3

  4. Are you sure Tracy? I didn't graduate until August of 1983. Weren't you already attending Utah State by then? I sure don't remember that quote. Of course, I hardly remember anything . . .

  5. Pass on a high five to Roger for me!

