Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Garage Shelves

While the girls were at the baby shower, Roger's dad and Phat Tony came down to help Rog make some storage for our garage. Well, it turned out that Rog got a HORRIBLE case of the stomach flu, so they ended up doing the whole project for us! I came home to these amazing shelves and 1 dying husband. (Seriously in our 3 years of marriage I have never seen him so sick!) I was sure that I would get it too, but luckily I didn't.

A huge thank you to Mike and Phat Tony!
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  1. Wow!! They look AWESOME! You have such a handy husband/family.

    ps- I LOVE confessions of a shopaholic! Let me know if you like it!

  2. Poor Rog...maybe you had food poisoning..or E-Coli or Samonella, just didn't want to build shelves. A-ha! Gotcha! You have been busted!

  3. Nice to have one side of the family that knows a thing or two about building. Very impressive!

    Thanks Mike and Phat Tony :)

    Sorry you were so sick Roger :(
