Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Family Baby Shower

On Saturday these lovely ladies (my mom, Aunt Becky, Grandma Ririe, and Grandma Ford) threw me a baby shower.

Of course there was lots of yummy food...

And many wonderful guests came to shower our little Corbyn with gifts.

Thank you to everyone who hosted, came, or who couldn't come, but sent gifts. We are so blessed with wonderful families. Corby is spoiled already and he isn't even here yet!


  1. Awww, i wish i could have been there...

    i'd like that on my tombstone, please.

  2. Look at those beautiful cookies :)

    Thanks everyone for your generous gifts :)

    I enjoyed seeing family and friends.
    Tiffany brought her cute daughter with curly black hair - what a princess . . .
    Amber brought baby Tyce. What a handsome little guy and so fun. Amber's mom, my dear friend Sheri came too.
    It's been fun to be with the Phillip's clan. Love you guys :)
    My Aunt Lorna and cousins, Pam and Jodi, are always so supportive of all our big moments!

  3. I wish I could have been there so bad! I still owe you a shower gift, I just have to find something incredibly cute first. And if that doesn't happen I will just find out what you need later on haha. Love you!
