Thursday, May 13, 2010

34 Weeks

Let's talk due dates... Based on my LMP my due date is June 18th. At about 8 weeks, they did an ultrasound to determine dates (because my periods were ridiculously irregular after being on birth control, sorry if that's TMI). Based on that ultrasound, my due date is June 22nd. So that is the due date I have been using. But at my last doctor's appointment, I realized that they have been using the June 18th due date. So that got me thinking that maybe I should use that due date too. You're probably thinking, "That's 4 days different, does it really matter?" Well, if you've ever been pregnant, you know that it DEFINITELY matters! So if you notice that my ticker skips ahead 4 days, that's why.

Why does it matter? Well, I think I can officially say that I am to the UNCOMFORTABLE part of pregnancy. I've been pretty uncomfortable for about 10 weeks now (due to problems with my pelvis), but now I am really uncomfortable. My little boy has decided that he likes his feet up in my right ribcage which results in the most intense burning sensation. At the same time, I feel like he's constantly on my bladder, so I have to pee all the time. Oh and don't even get me started on Braxton Hicks contractions. Luckily they aren't painful, but they are ever so uncomfortable. I don't understand why my uterus has to "practice" contracting. I'm pretty sure it could figure it out when the time comes.

So the reason that it matters is that they base induction decisions on your due date. If Corbyn decides to stay that long (he seriously better not!), I will be grateful I don't have to wait 4 more days!

I was going to take a 34 week picture earlier this week, but I didn't get around to it. I know you all want to see me in my current hippo state, but you'll have to wait a few more days. Tomorrow we are doing a maternity photo shoot, so I will post those pictures as soon as I get them back from our photographer. I wanted to do those a little earlier - like at 32 weeks - but because of rain and conflicts with our photographer, we couldn't get them scheduled until this week.

I guess now would be a good time to give Roger's disclaimer that he is COMPLETELY apposed to these pictures and the only reason he is doing them is because I am making him. Let me assure you that there will be no bare belly pictures as I am not a fan of those. But I really think they are cute otherwise. I've heard lots of people say they wish they had done them, so I'm going to do them.

Ok, that's enough complaining for now. I really am grateful that I am pregnant and that soon I will have a cute baby that will make all of this oh so worth it. I am just so ready to be DONE!


Mom Lori said...

Hang in their sweetie! Sorry you are so uncomfortable:(
I'm interested in seeing the photos from the photo shoot - never heard of such a thing. Glad Roger is being compliant.
June 18th it is :)

Kris and Megan said...

they jumped back and forth on my due date with landon too, and yes it does make a difference when you're that far!!!!! :) did you find a photographer after all that you liked or did you check out emily?? have fun! i sort of wish I had done it but I'm not too sad either way.

Mom Lori said...

Roger, wives love compliant husbands - Too bad I've never been one! (Dad Kent)