Friday, May 7, 2010

Flashback Friday

Yesterday my friend Kyle got married to a very cute girl named Britt. Rog and I were able to be at their reception for just a few minutes before we had to rush off to the President's Dinner at BYU (more on that later).

Kyle and I were in the same freshman ward at BYU and we had many fun and crazy times. We used to drive around BYU with our windows down blasting ACDC as loud as we could. Oh we thought we were such rebels! One night Shannda and I decided we wanted to buy a turtle for our apartment. Somehow it worked out that Kyle bought this turtle for us and it lived under my bed. We named it Frog and it brought us hours of joy that semester!

Thanks Kyle for all the good times and congratulations on your marriage!

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  1. I had no idea that you were such a wild person. ACDC.... these are the type of things that we can never tell our son.

  2. Silly Roger . . .

    I remember that turtle - Didn't I take the photo?

    Congrats Kyle - So happy for you and Britt :)
