Saturday, May 8, 2010


Everyone has been asking me what I've been doing since I retired, so I thought I'd give a summary of my busy week!

Tuesday I got our budget all caught up and updated. I planned the food for the week and went grocery shopping with Rog when he got home from work.

Wednesday we had a baby appointment which went great. The doctor said if he had a gold star he'd give me one for the last two weeks. Weight gain, blood pressure, baby's heartbeat, size of uterus, etc... - all right where they should be. Then we ate at APX for probably the last time. (I had two credits left on Monday, so I printed the tickets out before I had to turn in my card.) I did some errands including a stop at Babies R Us where I got to park in the special pregnant lady spot!

We also went to a Cinco de Mayo party at the Martinez' apartment and the Relief Society Presidency came to meet me.

Thursday I played with my Cricut. I did some vinyl lettering for our room and for our flour and sugar jars. And I made cards for our moms. I wasn't going to put a picture on here because they're in the mail and they haven't got them yet, but I figure they'll be surprised who gets which card because they are slightly different.

That night we went to Kyle and Britt's reception and then to the President's dinner at BYU. The President's dinner is for big donors to BYU. My Grandpa Ririe is one of those donors and his wife was out of town, so we got to go with him. It was very fancy! Elder Nelson and Elder Oaks along with President Samuelson were there. They had a nice dinner and then for dessert they brought out what looked like peaches, but it was actually ice cream shaped like peaches. We wanted to take a picture, but we didn't want to look silly around all the high class people, so I found this one online.

Friday I cleaned and cooked up a storm for a house warming party we had last night. It was so good to see all our friends from our old ward! As we were getting ready for bed, I realized that I didn't take any pictures and I was so mad. So I took some this morning of some of the food we had. Banana Orange Bars and Caramel Cereal Snack Mix. Both were new recipes and I think they are keepers.

I've also been writing thank you cards like crazy. I just got caught up this morning, so if you have given me a gift and haven't got a thank you card, it should be coming very shortly. I have one more shower this afternoon and then I will take inventory of what we have and figure out what we still need. It's crazy to think that our little guy will be here in 6 or 7 weeks at most (if he decides to stay until 41 weeks and get kicked out via induction) - hopefully sooner.... but of course not too soon.

So that's what I did my first week of retirement!
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  1. You did stay busy! I was so mad that we didn't take any pictures Wednesday night either. I had gotten my camera out and everything. Oh well...

  2. I'd say you get a gold star for the whole week!

    My card made it to me in one day and it is even more adorable than the photo :)

    My crafty daughter is making good use of her cricut!
