Friday, May 28, 2010

Flashback Friday

With summer coming, I've really been craving swimming. Not lap swimming, but swimming in the warm sun. *And preferably in a body more like the one in this picture, not the one I currently have. Maybe by the end of the summer.

This picture is from the summer after we got married. We drove Roger's car to Oklahoma to give it back and then we flew home after spending a few days playing with his family. This picture was taken at the Big Splash Water Park. Good times!
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  1. Come on down. The pool is OPEN for the summer!

    If you go into labor, I am sure Roger can get you to the hospital in plenty of time :)

  2. I love Big Splash!!! So glad you could experience that little piece of Oklahoman bliss. :)

  3. i love water. i love waterfalls and fountians and lakes and pools... My people came from over the Himalayas, from Persia and Afganistan, and everwhere they went they build fountians like this ....but getting in way!
