Tuesday, June 1, 2010

37 Weeks

This might be the last picture you get, so enjoy it. I am now 37 weeks and it is June, so Corbyn can come any time he wants. And if you ask me, the SOONER the BETTER!!

At my last appointment (on Wednesday) I had actually started to make some good progress. I was 1 cm dilated. My doctor didn't give me a % for how effaced I was, but he said it was thinning out a lot. At the appointment before that I was 60% effaced and he said I was much more effaced this time, so I'm thinking at least 80 or 85%. We'll see where I'm at on Thursday at my next appointment.

I'm officially glad that I don't have to be pregnant all summer long. As it has started to warm up, I've noticed that throughout the day my ankles get more and more swollen. And by the end of the day they are more like elephant trunks than ankles. Let me tell you, I AM NOT A FAN! I should just be grateful that my wedding ring fits without a problem almost all of the time... But seriously, any swelling is not ok with me!

If you want to make a guess at when Corbyn will come, leave a comment... We've got a spreadsheet going with date, time, weight, length, and hair color.

Speaking of hair color, if my favorite drink this pregnancy is any clue as to what color hair he will have, he will definitely be a red head like his dad. I want orange soda all the time! I try not to give in too often, but oh I love orange soda these days!
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  1. Good job Corby! You waited until June :)

    Remember Corby - 6/8/10 would be a very cool date!

    One more week to go . . . .

    I'm saving the comment on the orange soda for you dear sis . . .

  2. HILARIOUS!!! I also wanted Orange pop ALL the time too! I still crave it now afterwards... that and lemonade. Mmmm. I'm thinking he'll be here on 6/14... two weeks. :) Hopefully sooner, but enjoy this time... because once he comes its a bit overwhelming with NO sleep and a new little one. Those first 6 weeks are pretty crazy. Good luck!! Any day now...

  3. 6/13, 7 lbs, RED hair and awesome!

  4. I vote 6/12, 6 lb 12 ounces, and... bald :) Good luck with everything!

  5. "Who loves orange soda?.......Kel loves orange soda". Wow. i do so miss that show. That time. Any- way.

    My guess...June 11. 7 lbs 11 oz. Red hair, so cute!

    i got tired of coloring my hair red so i colored it...another color...but i don't think all the red got covered...no offense, i loves me the red, just wanted this other color.

    Looking adorable as ever, Shauna!

    Hee, verification "rorry"robb i do so looooooovvvvvee those "Gilmore Girls"....you must give them a go...they are fabulous! In reruns now and delightful! It's "Rory".

  6. Momlori Sis Tick, tick, tick....you are running out of time.....

    In the words of Col. Potter
    "You are going to lose sooo big!"

    In love and sisterly competition :)

    i get the best verifications
    How's this "outhip" Ha, ha, ha. i cannot make these things up.

  7. 6/8/10 isn't here yet - so hang on lil' sis . . .

    Corby - you can do it - Ready, set, go!
