Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day Rog and Corby made me a cute card.

We went to my grandparent's house for dinner and I made this strawberry shortcake trifle. It was very yummy.

On the way there we saw this off the freeway. On the way home we made sure we got a picture.

It was a fun day! I can't wait until next Mother's Day when my baby is actually here and not jamming his feet up in my ribs and making me generally uncomfortable most of the time. :)
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  1. Hahhaha we saw that big sign too!

  2. I totally saw that as well! I didn't think a single thing of it though, so I'm glad you posted it since im so dense!

  3. Didn't realize Rog and Corby were such artists.
    Nice work guys.

    Yum, I wish I'd been there for dinner:)
