Monday, May 10, 2010

Friend Baby Shower

Saturday Emily, Amber, and Rachel threw me a friend baby shower. It was great to have so many of my friends from my old ward there.

They had the cutest theme - Shauna's about to POP! We had Popcorn, Popsicles, Pop Tarts, Cake Pops, Blow Pops, and of course Soda Pop.

We played some fun games including one where Amber asked me questions about when I was a baby and when I got one wrong, I had to put a piece of bubble gum in my mouth.

Of course I got some very cute and useful things for Corbyn. Thanks everyone for your kind gifts and a special thank you to Emily, Rachel, and Amber for planning such a fun shower. Love you girls!!
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  1. Good thing I wasn't in the area or I would have been tempted to "crash" the shower.

    Love the theme and the food - yum!

    Thanks Emily, Rachel and Amber for spoiling Shauna and Corby :)

  2. I seriously can't believe you put that much bubble gum in your mouth- you were such a good sport! It was fun to see you so many times last week, it almost felt like you lived just a few doors down again!
