Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day

Rog learned the beauty of paid holidays on Monday. We started out the day with the Ririe Pancake Breakfast up Millcreek Canyon. It was good to see some of our extended family that we don't see very often.

Then we were planning on going to the Tracy Aviary, but it was a cloudy, not very pretty day, so I decided we'd do that another time. We walked around Liberty Park for a little bit. I wanted to do the paddle boats, but we decided we'd better wait until I'm unpregnant for that.

We had a BBQ with just the two of us for dinner and then went to get a snow cone. I usually always get blue raspberry, but I decided we could try something new this time. We got mango/watermelon which was pretty good - not as good as blue raspberry, but not bad either.

We finished the night by watching the Knowing. We recently started Netflix (because we figure it's the future of movies), so we've been watching a lot of movies we didn't care enough to see back when they first came out, but now we figure why not? It was a little scary/creepy at some points and then the ending was just totally bizarre. But we didn't hate it.
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  1. Wish we'd been up there for Memorial Day :(

    Roger's snow cone looks as big as your tummy!

    Please keep a list of movies we should rent - We so rarely rent movies!

  2. I can't believe that little bun in the oven is almost done. Doug and I definitely would have had a Memorial BBQ with you guys. Snow cones sound (and look) so scruptulescent!! Keep us posted on the baby news.

  3. i'll have to go watch the preview. i want to see "Shutter Island", but it looks so scary, especially for someone like me...! Maybe "On Demand". We never rent DVD's...maybe 'cause the player is is the tv... kind of. Borrowing (sort of, a line from the "Gilmore Girls").

    "So, how's it going?"

    "Do you mean, is the toaster (tv) fixed?"
    "No, it's cold poptarts every morning (lines, lines, all over the top!). It's like something out of a Dickens novel!!

  4. But it's Scorsese! ("Shutter Island") Scorsese!

  5. that was one of the weirdest endings I have ever seen.

  6. Shawshank Redemption! Shawshank Redemption! One of my all time favorites! "We" were talking about movies...right????? Sooooo good, Grandpa F liked it too!
