Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last Week

I've been so busy this week that I never got around to posting what I did last week.

A few months ago I got the book, Hello Cupcake. It's a book with lots of cute ideas for decorating cupcakes. I ordered us a gift card to Barnes and Noble with some of our rewards points from our credit card and I was telling Rog that I wanted to get the second book, What's New Cupcake. He was ok with that, but he pointed out that I hadn't even made any of the cupcakes from the first book. So of course then I had to make cupcakes even though we had no need for them. I made these fish ones that are similar (but not quite as elaborate) to one of the designs in the book. I think they turned out pretty dang cute. I ended up giving some away to my friends Emily and Rachel who just finished up the school year.

On Saturday Rog and I spent 5 hours going on errands to finish up getting things for Corby. We returned duplicate shower gifts and then used the money to buy things we didn't get. But of course all of the gifts were from different stores, so that's why it took so long. We went to Target, Walmart, Babies R Us, Kohl's, Costco, TJ Max, JC Penney, Home Depot (to get sand paper), and Bed Bath & Beyond (to get a gift for a reception we were going to that night). It was a long day, but now I feel like Corby can come and we'll have at least a good majority of what we need for him. (I'm sure we've still forgotten some things!)

After we got home I was recouping on the couch and I finally found a good use for my belly.

I had to speak on Sunday, so I spent a lot of time preparing for that during the week. I wasn't very happy about having to speak at 37 weeks, but of course now I'm glad it's over with!

I also started a lot of projects that I'm still working on. I'm making a wipes case, a changing pad, and some hand-embroidered onesies. I'll post those when I get them finished up.

Finally, I washed all of Corby's clothes, towels, wash cloths, blankets, and sheets. They're all put away in his dresser just waiting for him to come, so I can use them.
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  1. The cupcakes look cute and I bet they were yummy too!
    You are so ambitious :) I hope Corby appreciates you like he should.
    It looks like you have a ball under your shirt - perfectly round and purple :)

  2. My Sweet, i don't know where you get the energy! (Geddit? Like the cute cupcakes? i didn't, until just a second ago!)
    Love the picture of you with the glass...does Corby wiggly around when you put cold things on him?
    I have seen that cupcake idea book, it looks so fun, i really don't have anyone to bake for...maybe this summer...hint, hint, 'cause i have a great idea...for cupcakes.

    Hey, that's one heckva snowcone. When i was comimg up...they were alot smaller...everything was...

    Wouldn't it be funny if Corby actually turned out to be a Corbette....? Good thing the Baby Room is green....and i know the name isn't "Corbette"! :)

    "Who loves orange soda.....?" Now you know!

  3. i want me a mango cupcake with vanilla frosting! No, i could not make that flavor up!

  4. Hand embroidered onesies??? You rock girl! i hang my head in shame.

  5. that was so many stores. never again.
