Friday, June 25, 2010


Everyone says that big babies are good sleepers and they are right. Corby sleeps like a champ! Rog is always telling me I need to take naps during the day, but I sleep so well at night I don't really feel like I need to sleep during the day.

Some of our favorite sleep pictures...

Emily gave me this awesome SwaddleMe blanket and Corbyn loves it. I just have to wrap him up in it, lay him down, and he puts himself to sleep. It makes my nights so much easier! Thank you Emily!!

For now Corbyn is sleeping in our room in his Pack n' Play. Aren't the monkeys so cute?

Rog is very insistent that Corbyn gets his tummy time. Mostly he just turns his head to the side and starts to fall asleep. Other times it makes him mad. I guess it just depends on how alert he is at the moment.

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  1. Hee, hee "Tummy Time"....too funny...and cute! And Roger is "insistant" because....? Besides that it makes for adorable snapshots.

    Loving the sleep pictures...and the monkeys....

    "Monkey, monkey, underpants!"
    Lorealai Gilmore

  2. i just love the "Swaddelmeblanket"....wish they had those around when Sam was a wee one.
    Back in those old days, it was still the times of "put baby to sleep on its side".....Sam would always roll over to his back..."Back to sleep"...ahead of his time... :-P

    "Where have all the 'poster's' gone, long time passing?".....

    "T-t-t too much time on my hands...."

    Love to all!

  3. Are you tired of me yet? (i am!)

    The monkeys remind me of my friend Sara, ahem, Dr. Sara, in Israel. She has, monkey, monkey sheets. You're thrilled, i know.

    Annnnd, a great blog

    'cause you get bored or anything...yeah, right. But give it a try, she's fun.

  4. Check out those rolls! AWE!! He is adorable :) Congrats on getting a good sleeper..I did not and it was not very fun, so I'm totally jealous!

  5. I like it when Corby sleeps on my shoulder :)

    I also like the expressions Corby makes while sleeps. I could watch him 24/7!

  6. He is SO cute! I wish I could pinch his little rolls! Why don't you three take a little road trip, aye?
