Saturday, June 26, 2010

1 Week Older and Wiser Too!

For Corby's 1 week birthday on Thursday, I made him this "cake". I am a huge fan of cake/cookie batter, but I couldn't have any when I was pregnant because of the raw eggs. Really this was just my excuse to make something, so I could have some batter.

I can't believe our little guy is over a week old!

Happy birthday Corby!
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  1. I ate a cookie for Corby since he couldn't - yummy!

    I miss you guys already!

  2. How many cookies did Corby eat? Ya know, being that he was able to eat that huge snowcone and all....

    Yay, cookie dough!

    So excited to see you all !

  3. Yessss! That's it, Koala Bear!

    PS That's a compliment! ;-0
