Wednesday, July 21, 2010

1 Month

I can't believe my baby is 1 month old!

On Saturday we decorated cupcakes to celebrate.

Rog decided that 1 month meant it was time to move him into his nursery. The first night (Saturday night) was a little rough. He woke up every 2 hours which really isn't like him at all. During the night he usually goes a minimum of 3 hours between feedings and sometimes he even goes 4 or 5. Luckily he is getting used to his new sleeping surroundings and is getting back to his normal sleeping schedule!

On Sunday we took him to church for the full 3 hours. (The Sunday before we took him because Rog was speaking, but we only stayed for sacrament meeting.) I was completely exhausted when we got home! I'm sure it was a combination of lack of sleep from the night before and stress over keeping him quiet/feeding him in the mother's room.

On Monday Corby had an appointment to check his weight gain. He was a whopping 10 pounds, 15 ounces! Since his 2 week appointment he has gained an average of an ounce a day. It's such a relief to know we've finally got this eating thing down, but it kind of makes me sad to know that he is just getting bigger and bigger.

Corby at 1 month:

*Loves his baths
*Loves his swing
*Learning how to smile
*Has grown out of his newborn clothes (still wears newborn diapers)
*Hates tummy time, but is getting so good at moving his neck
*Grabs my hair and holds it tight
*Loves to suck on his hands
*Likes to be swaddled with his hands by his face
*Has recovered from his first diaper rash

He is my little buddy and I LOVE him so much!
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  1. Thanks for the update!

    Miss all of you very much

    Cute photo :)

  2. It goes so fast! I can't believe he's 1 month either. Believe me, he'll be 2 before you know it!

  3. Awwwwwww, baby, baby....

    Waaaaay tooo cute! Did he enjoy the cupcakes...?? :)

  4. And he certianly has a very cute mommy and daddy too!

  5. He is so adorable!!! Good work You two!! You make one cute baby!!!
