Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dear Aiden and Sam,

Thank you for letting me borrow your swing. I love it so much. When I am being fussy, mommy puts me in it and I calm right down and go to sleep. I can't wait to meet you at Uncle Taylor's wedding. We will be great cousin friends!

Love, Corby

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  1. Your little man is so cute! Lexi loves her swing too, thank goodness for swings uh?!

  2. Swing Corby swing!

    Thanks Rex and Edda :)

  3. I remember how much my Sam loved his swing...and Scottie Jackson used to lie down under it. Sniff.... :*)

    It was so lovely of you three to come up last night. Many, many "todah's"! You are so sweet!

  4. Is there anything cuter than a baby in a swing?

    Except maybe a foal! ;) Or a collie pup!

    Hee! :)

  5. He did not mean "Love, Corby." He meant "Peace out Cuz's"

  6. Ha, ha...."Peace out Cuz's..."

    I don't even have to say it! ;)

  7. Oops, seems I'm the last one to see this... :) We're glad you like it, little Corbyn! We can't wait for you to grow up big so you can wrestle with Aiden and fingerpaint with Sam. ;)
