Saturday, July 3, 2010

2 Weeks

Corbyn had his 2 week appointment on Thursday. Here are the stats:

Weight: 9 lbs, 7 oz
Length: 21.5 inches

Yes, I know he's supposed to be back to his birth weight by now. We had a rough start to breastfeeding with his blood glucose issues (because he was so big) and his jaundice. They had us supplementing him a lot, so when we went to straight breastfeeding he wasn't getting as much as he was used to. I feel like this week we finally have gotten the hang of breastfeeding and his doctor isn't concerned. We just have to go back in 2 weeks to make sure he's back to his 10 pound glory by then. I'm not too worried because he really has been eating so much better these past few days.

I took a ridiculous number of pictures. He was getting ready to eat, so he wasn't super excited about them. Does it make me a horrible mom if I think the "outtakes" where he is screaming his head off are just as cute as the ones he is happy for?

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  1. No! That doesn't make you a horrible mom! We have all kinds of pictures of Kennedy crying - in the sand, on Santa's lap, etc, etc. I post them along with all the others. :)

  2. He'll be back to his fighting weight in no time.

  3. Gotta admit, I like the photos of Corby crying too. He'll enjoy them some day :)
