Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sugar Coma

Last night we took Corbyn to get his first snow cone.


And After...

We didn't get a picture of the sugar high that occurred between these two pictures. You know before he crashed.

He spent the rest of the night like this while we watched The Aristocats.

What did we do for entertainment before we had him?
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  1. You guys are just plain silly :)

    Did your milk turn blue?

  2. Wow. i can't believe he ..."ate the whole thing".

    See. i noticed the stagically placed red cup.....

    Everyboby looking darling!

    Re Milk comment Eeewwwwwww

  3. Awwwww, he looks like a little Koala Bear baby in that picture with you Chief!

    Did he like the kitties? Toluose (sp?) was always my favorite!
