Friday, July 23, 2010

Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday returns!! I've been thinking about Flashback Friday since I had Corbyn and I don't know if I will continue it... It isn't really the time issue, I just don't know how much everyone enjoys me rambling on about something in the past. Maybe I won't do it every single Friday - just when I have a really good picture to share. We'll see.

Anyway, tomorrow is Pioneer Day in Utah. 3 years ago Rog and I ran in the Deseret News Marathon which is always held on the 24th of July. While I was pushing I was thinking about that marathon. The last hour of pushing and the last 6 miles of the marathon were similar in a lot of ways. Both were at the end of something long and hard. And both times I didn't think I could finish, but somehow I did. I'm glad I have these experiences to look back on and help me remember I can do hard things.

This year for Pioneer Day we are enjoying Spanish Fork Fiesta Days. More on that to come!
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  1. The marathon wasn't that hard.

  2. Personally I enjoy your Flashback Fridays - I love all of your posts!

    I can't imagine running a marathon or pushing out a 10 pound baby for 3 hours. Both are miracles in my book!

  3. Oh, Rog, you are SO i can't even run a mile!

    And i was there! To congradulate you two cuties, that is! :)

    A-Men Sis Lori!
