Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fiesta Days

For Pioneer Days Spanish Fork celebrates Fiesta Days. We decided that since we are official Spanish Forkians now, we should join in the celebration. On Thursday night we went to the rodeo. We pulled out our best western gear and dressed up. (I knew my cowboy hat I acquired in Laramie in 2005 would eventually come in handy!) The boys had a great time and I had an ok time. (I would have enjoyed it more if I weren't so allergic to horses.)

Corby was happy as a clam being passed back and forth between mom and dad.

On Friday night we took our stroller to the carnival and walked around. Highlights included a very yummy funnel cake and The Corb having his first encounter with grass. He LOVED every minute of it.

And finally on Saturday night we had the Paulsens over for a 24th of July BBQ complete with hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, chips, watermelon, and Dixie's famous "A Little Bit of Heaven" dessert.

It was a great weekend!
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  1. It was a rutton, tutton, good time.

  2. In the photo of the three of you, it looks like Corby is thinking . . . "What's that you got on the top of your head mommy?"

    The funnel cake looks delicious!

    Wish I'd been there - it's been way too long . . .

  3. Yay, i can see the pictures! Looks like great fun!

    You guys are sooo cute!

    Miss you! :P

  4. "The Corb"...great nickname....what clever one came up with that one???????
