Monday, August 16, 2010

Rachel's Shower

On Saturday, Anna and I threw a baby shower for Rachel. She is having a girl, so we had a tea party. It was such a fun theme! I found the idea I used for the invitations over at Little Birdie Secrets. We drank lemonade and Russian Tea (caffeine free). Anna made the cutest pink cupcakes and tea sandwiches.

Instead of playing games we decorated onesies. (Directions for the onesies here and directions for getting images here.)

And we even dressed up for tea. (How crazy is it that everyone in this picture is pregnant except for me?!)

Rachel is going to be the best little mommy. I'm so excited for her!
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  1. WOW - I am sooooo impressed.

    What CUTE ideas - The food looks good enough to eat and the onesies are adorable :)

    Which one is Rachel?

  2. Rachel is the cute little dark haired one in the middle (i think!)....Shauna is the adorable one on the left. (i know!) :)

    Very lovely shower...and Shauna, aren't you glad your darling baby is here? :)

  3. Thank you SO MUCH! It was the cutest and most fun shower ever. It's a good thing I'm not moving anywhere because I would miss you all so much (can you tell I'm in denial!)

  4. ps- I am the short one in the middle :)

  5. Thanks cute Rachel - I'm always the short one too!

  6. what a cute shower theme! yay for rachel, that is so exciting. that's awesome everyone was pregnant! (except you of course!) how fun.
