Friday, August 20, 2010

2 Months

Tuesday was Corby's 2 month birthday! He had his 2 month appointment on Wednesday and as you might know, 2 months = immunizations. The actual getting of the shots wasn't so bad. He cried for a few seconds and then calmed down. But the aftereffects haven't been completely painless. Yesterday he had a slight fever and he was pretty mellow like he wasn't feeling super great. He also has never pooped so much in his life (probably from the Rotavirus Oral Vaccine). They were his normal poos, but they were one after another all day. He went through at least 3 outfits and by the end of the day I was so tired of changing his diaper! I'm sure it could have been much worse, but it was sad seeing him sick for the first time. Luckily today he seems to be back to his normal self!

His stats:
Weight: 13 pounds, 3 ounces
Heights: 23 3/4 inches
(both in the 80th percentile)

The Corb at 2 months:

*Smiles a lot
*Makes lots of fun cooing noises
*Doesn't mind having his diaper changed anymore
*Wears mostly 0-3 clothes, but wears 3-6 in Gerber onesies
*Still hates tummy time
*Spits up a lot
*Cries a lot more than he did at 1 month
*Loves to suck on his hands and drool
*Is sleeping for longer stretches at night
*Can't wait for Cougar football to start!

I took these cute pictures on his 2 month birthday. I love this outfit of his except that the alligator is wearing a red football uniform. Let me assure you we have not gone over to the dark side. We are still true blue through and through!

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  1. Thanks for your comment Shauna! We are so excited! I love that you call him "The Corb"- too funny! For some reason in the first picture I instantly thought "Roger" when I saw his little face! What do you guys think? Maybe it was just that picture though?

  2. I love this baby! He is such a little roly-poly! He looks like a little old man, so wise. He is so much bigger than Owen was, he's already catching up in weight!! What a stud.

  3. i know where he got the nickname...but i'm keeping mum.....

    Corby is a fan of the Florida Gators!

  4. That is a very cute outfit . . .

    I sang some of BYU's song to Corby and he smiled :)

    Yum, my hand sure tastes good (Corby)

    "The Corb" is adorable!

  5. Oh goodness! He is so adorable!!! I cannot believe how much he looks like his parents ( which is to be expected of course, but he looks more like you two than most babies look like their parents). I am so happy for you!
