Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Sad Day

3 years ago, the Martinez moved into our ward. We had only been there a few months and we were looking for friends. I told Rog we could be friends with them and become friends we did.

I was in the Relief Society Presidency with Rachel. (She's second from the left.)

And Rog was in the Elder's Quorum Presidency with Bryan. (He's also second from the left.)

We played games and watched movies with them. We ran marathons with them.

We laughed and ate dinner with them. We watched football with them.

And we grew to love them.

Today is a sad day because they are moving to Northern California. We desperately hoped Bryan would get a job in Utah, so they wouldn't have to leave. But he got a job there and while we are happy for them, we are sad to be losing the best friends we have made as a couple.

It looks like my plans for us to visit San Fransisco and Redwoods National Park will have to become a priority next summer, so we can visit them and meet their baby. (And they better visit us if they're ever near Spanish Fork!)

So this isn't goodbye friends, this is see ya soon! Good thing we have blogging to keep in touch!
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  1. Awwww, that's a nice sad, though. :(

    (Annnnnnd, i even got "censored" on Rachel's blog!) :-o

  2. i bet they have a beautiful baby...i love dark hair and dark eyes!

  3. Gosh, I've been out of the blogging world for a few days so I just read this post, you are so sweet!

    YES YES YES!! You must come visit next summer, and I'm sure we'll be around Spanish Fork sometime soon. We miss you guys!

  4. Thanks Bryan and Rachel for being good friends with my daughter, Shauna, and son-in-law, Roger :)
