Tuesday, August 10, 2010

St. George

We went down to St. George for the weekend. It was Corby's first road trip. On the way down we stopped at Subway in Fillmore to eat dinner. They didn't have changing stations in the bathrooms, so we improvised.

Corby is a great traveler. I know it will change, but at this age he sleeps 99% of the time he is in the car. Here he is being cute in his car seat during one of the rare moments he was awake.

Because my parents have a pool, we could take him in without a swim diaper. He didn't know what to think at first, but I think he ended up liking it. He loves his baths, so we weren't too surprised.

On Saturday morning we got up at the crack of dawn to go golfing. Because it gets so hot during the day, that's the only time I will ever golf in St. George in the summer. It ended up being a cloudy, kind of rainy day which made for perfect golfing weather. It was the first time I golfed in 10 months, so I wasn't expecting too much. Surprisingly I did pretty well.

Other highlights of the trip:

Introducing my family to Texas Roadhouse. They loved it!

Going shopping with Grandma for clothes for Corbyn. They had a sale at Kohl's and let's just say he made out like a bandit. Thanks Grandma!

An intense game of Phase 10 that came down to the last hand. I came back from being stuck on Phase 4 for half of the game to almost beat Rog.

It was a great trip!
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  1. Come back . . . . . . .

    Miss you already - Thanks for visiting :)

  2. You are lucky he is so good in the car! Landon used to SCREAM even as a newborn if he was in the car any longer than 20 minutes! Corbyn is such a cutie!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Super cute pictures of all of your darlin' family!

  5. Hee, love the way Corby is eyeing the candy in the first picture!

  6. "It's a giant bathtub"! (and potty!)
