Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So True

My aunt sent me this card and I thought I would share it. So true. Although I have never pumped six ounces and then accidentally spilled it, I can guarantee there would be tears shed over such an incident!

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  1. There is a Canadian Flag on our blog! Did you know that?

  2. What Rog - No comment on the milk!

    Glad we got you a good pump :)

  3. :-) i'm so glad you liked the card!
    i never imagined it would make it to the blog!

  4. Oh my, I totally did that 2 nights ago and just starred at the sink thinking I cant believe I just pumped that much and then accidentally poured it down the sink... haha what a funny card.

  5. ha I have done that... on multiple occasions in fact, and it does make you want to cry... yes I agree!
