Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Super Daddy

I just wanted to give a shout out to my wonderful husband. He works hard all day, drives home in HORRIBLE traffic in our car with NO AC in the heat (so Corbs and I can have the car with AC), and then helps me take care of our little guy all night long. I don't know what I'd do without him! He is such a great daddy - I just know the Corb loves him so much!

Thanks for all you do for our family babe! I know it's not easy!
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  1. Crobs and I both know that you do all the hard work. This is just another witness that I have you fooled. Crobs knows it, but he can't talk yet.I love you! You're the best mom ever.

  2. You are an awesome daddy Roger :)

    Corbs and Shauna are very fortunate to have you in their lives!

    Love the photos :)

  3. The Corb and Roger are also very fortunate to have dear Shauna in their lives :)

    And so am I !

  4. You all are such sweeties...i want to be you...ahhh, that doesn't make sense, but still....! ;)

  5. And he's cute and oh so sweet too!
