Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"You Survived"

On Thursday I had my 6 week follow up appointment. I'm all healed up and can now do whatever I want! The doctor said, "Congrats, you survived pregnancy." I'm already back at my pre-pregnancy weight. Now it's time for me to get back in shape. Unfortunately I didn't do much exercising the last half of my pregnancy because of the problems I had with the ligaments in my pelvis. So obviously I have a lot of work ahead of me.

My goal is to run the Cougar Run 5K on October 9th in less than 28 minutes. Last year when we ran this race, I had just found out I was pregnant and I was extremely exhausted all the time. My time was 27:57 which is the absolute longest it has ever taken me to run a 5K. So my goal is just to do better than that. I started my training last night by running the mile loop around our neighborhood. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I'm not too sore yet - we'll see how I am later tonight.

Anyway, here are some pictures of our little guy from this past week. First, here are a couple of cute ones from Corby's best time of day - 9:00 pm when we are trying to get ready for bed. Go figure.

Rog had a work party on Friday night at the Lehi Rec Center. I was super excited because I could finally swim! Unfortunately, Corbyn couldn't swim because they don't make swim diapers in his size, but Rog carried him around like this and dipped his feet in. On a side note, they have the most awesome waterslide there, so if you ever get a chance I would recommend it.

And finally, here is a funny picture of the Corb totally zonked out from tummy time.

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  1. Corby's a night person - like Grandma Lori :)

    Looks like he was REALLY excited about the pool

    Love the photos baby Corby!

  2. I just wanted to say "CONGRATS!" on getting back to your pre-pregancy weight & also good luck getting back in shape. From personal experience, having an event to train for gives you the motivation to go work out when you'd rather just chill out with baby! And you'll feel so awesome when you finish :)

  3. In the last picture, he looks like a sleeply, cute little turtle!
