Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby Stuff

Figuring out what I needed for my baby was the hardest, most confusing thing EVER. So I figured I would share what I learned for others who are trying to figure it out. I am not suggesting that I am an expert because clearly I'm not.

I tried to list everything I could think of, but I'm sure I forgot some stuff.

Bath Stuff

Bath Center. I like everything about this set except for the bathtub it comes with. It leaks like crazy, but the other stuff has been great. (If you use it in the tub in bathroom, it just leaks in there and it isn't a problem.) We used the sponge on the counter until his umbilical cord fell off. Then we used the cradle in the bathtub that comes with it. Now we just use the cradle in the actual tub in the bathroom because he loves to kick around like crazy.

Thermometer. We just have this rubber ducky that says HOT on the bottom. HOT turns white when the water is too hot.

Hooded Towel

Diaper Stuff

Diaper Disposal System. Obviously this isn't absolutely necessary, but I really like having a tidy place to stash all the dirty diapers. You have to buy refill bags, but they aren't that expensive and they go on sale at Babies R Us a lot.

Changing Table. I debated whether I should get a changing table or not for a long time. I found this crib/changing table bundle at Walmart that wasn't much more than just getting a crib, so I decided to go ahead and get the changing table. And I have been really happy about that decision. We just used the pad that came with it and we didn't worry about buying a changing pad cover.

Diaper Ointment (for diaper rash). We've heard that name brand really is better for this. We have Desitin and it works great! Our doctor said that A + D is a good brand too. You want the original kind (not creamy).

Diapers. I wouldn't buy too many in any one size. They are better to buy as you go, so you aren't left with a bunch that they grew out of before you used them. I would have a few packs of newborn for right when they come home. The weight guidelines aren't very accurate. Even though Corbyn was 10 pounds when he was born, he still wore newborn diapers for at least a few weeks. When buying newborn diapers, make sure you buy the kind with a spot cut out for their umbilical cord and I really liked the ones that have a line that changes color when the diaper is wet. That isn't important later, but at first it was helpful.

Diaper Wipes. We are already on our second huge pack from Costco. You'll use a TON!

Changing Pad (for changing diapers when you're not at home). I made this one to match my diaper bag. It was pretty simple. Or if you're not the sewing type, you can also buy them.

Diaper Bag. I like having one. I always keep it stocked with everything we need, so when we're going somewhere I can just grab it and go!

Bedroom Stuff

Baby Monitor. You can spend a serious amount of money on a baby monitor, but I'm so glad we didn't! All you need is to be able to hear if they're crying. In my opinion, the video ones are unnecessary.

Rocking chair. I liked the idea of a good old fashion rocking chair. It probably isn't as comfortable as other options, but I like how it looks and it does the job. I just recommend getting something to sit in while you rock them.

(We didn't get bumper pads because of the increased risk of SIDS.)

Nursing Stuff

Nursing garments. Everyone I asked said they didn't use them, but I couldn't live without them. At least try one before you decide against them. Get the smallest size you think you will fit in because the cup size is huge.

Nursing bra. I got one for sleeping and one for everyday wear. I bought my everyday use one at Motherhood Maternity. I felt like it was important to try that one on before I bought it. I bought it at the very end of my pregnancy, but made sure it didn't fit too snugly.

Breast pads. Next to diapers and diaper wipes, you'll go through these the most. I tried ones you wash and reuse, but the disposable are the best.

Lanolin. It's not a miracle worker, but it does help with sore, cracked nipples. And your nipples will be sore and cracked at first. Just count on it.

If you plan on pumping you'll need:

Breast Pump. I've already talked about this, but seriously I would have given up on breastfeeding if it weren't for this. Whatever you do, don't waste your money on a manual pump. Maybe I'm just lazy, but I hated it and we got the "good" manual pump.

Bottles (that work with your pump)
Milk Storage Bags
Bottle Cleaning Brush

Baby Gear

Travel System. When we were looking at car seats, we noticed that the travel systems were only about $50 more. So we decided to get one even though I didn't know if I would use the stroller part. I'm pretty sure this was the BEST decision we made. Carrying the car seat with baby in it gets heavy really fast (especially when you have a 10 pound baby to start out with). I love how the car seat snaps into the stroller. It's so easy and convenient. We keep the stroller in the back of our car and when I do errands, I just snap his car seat in the stroller and off we go.

Boppy pillow. I didn't really use it for nursing, but Corbyn was content to sit in it for hours (for the first 2 months - not anymore).

Swing/Bouncer. Some babies love the swing, some love the bouncer, some love both. My advice is to buy one of each. If you first child doesn't like one of them, hopefully your next will. Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to predict what they will like.

Bumbo. They can't really use this for the first month or two, so you could wait to buy one. But they're good for neck development and I'd recommend getting one eventually.

Pack n' Play. We decided to use our pack n' play as our bassinet and that worked really well. You're going to have to buy one for traveling, so you might as well buy it to use in your room when they're first born. We just got a simple one with no extra stuff.

Other Stuff

Thermometer. You want to get a good thermometer. From what I've read, you don't want the ear kind for babies. I couldn't find one that got good ratings. This one didn't get very good ratings, but I really like it. It gives fast readings and they seem to be accurate.

Shout Stain Remover. An absolute necessity. I find that if I scrub stains from blowouts and then spray immediately they come out so much better.

Cloth Diapers (to use as burp cloth). Corbyn spits up a lot, so we usually have one handy in every room of the house. They aren't pretty, but they are oh so useful.

Baby Tylenol. You hopefully won't have to use it until they have their shots at 2 months, but I was really glad we had it on hand and I didn't have to go buy it when that time came.

Baby Books (to read to them). I don't think you can start too soon.

Pacifier. No guarantee they'll take one, but you might as well have a few just in case.

Dreft Laundry Detergent
What to Expect the First Year
Baby Nail Clippers

Things you don't need to buy:

Nasal Aspirator. They give you one at the hospital.

Blankets. You'll probably get all you need and more from baby showers.

Car mirror (to see the baby while you're driving). We bought one, but it didn't really work. It was hard for me to drive and not be able to see him, but I got used to it pretty fast.

Humidifier. We didn't buy one because we heard from a lot of parents they bought one and didn't use it. But I suppose you might find you need one and you could buy it then.

Things you don't need right away:

Jogging Stroller. We've heard you're supposed to wait until baby is at least 6 months to use one which makes sense because they would just be flopping all over if you used it too early.

Umbrella Stroller
Activity Mats
Bath toys
Stuff for feeding them solids
High Chair

I hope this helps! This is just what I've learned in the short 3 months I've been a mother. All babies are different, so this is just what has worked for us and our baby. And I didn't talk about clothes because that is different for each season. Corbyn has lived in a onesie pretty much his whole life, but as it gets colder I know that will change!


  1. Thanks Shauna! This was immensely helpful.

  2. Wow this is a great resource Shauna :)

  3. Thanks for posting this Shauna. it was super helpful! :)

  4. And a "Farmer" and a "Tigger". Sniff. :*)

  5. Chief! You must see these cupcakes! And then make some at Halloween! Any flavor...and "we" want pictures! ;)

  6. Darn, that address doesn't seem to work...

    try googling Not So Humble Pie and going to Wed Dec. 16, 2009

    heh, like you have nothing better to do.....
