Monday, September 13, 2010

Corbyn's Blessing

We blessed Corbyn last Sunday in our ward. We decided to do it the day after Tay and Martha's wedding because all of Roger's family would already be in town.

Jared made the invitation, so naturally it turned out great!

Roger was flabbergasted at how much blessing outfits cost, but finally gave in and let me get this one.

Roger blessed him and those in the circle were Corbyn's:

Great Grandpa Phillips
Great Grandpa Ririe
Great Grandpa Ford
Grandpa Phillips
Grandpa Ririe
Dad's Uncle Rey
Mom's Uncle Kevin
Uncle Rex
Uncle Irving
Uncle Anthony
Uncle Jared

We didn't get a group shot before everyone left, but here is our little family.

And here is another cute one of Corbyn. He says, "I'm a blessed boy, now get me out of this outfit!"

We had a lunch after at our house. THANK YOU to everyone who brought something. I couldn't have done it without help! A bunch of people complemented the punch we had. It was from KD and Phat Tony's wedding back in January. Here is the recipe.

Wedding Punch

2 c sugar
5 c water
6 oz peach Jello
1/4 c lemon juice
46 oz can pineapple juice
2 2-liter bottles Sprite or 7-Up

Bring water to a boil; stir in sugar until dissolved. Add Jello; stir until Jello is dissolved. Remove from heat. Add pineapple juice and lemon juice. Pour into an empty ice cream tub (1.25 gallon bucket). Freeze. When ready to use, defrost Jello mix slightly; combine with Sprite in a punch bowl.

The Apple Streusel Cheesecake Bars I made were also quite popular. You can find the recipe here.

It was a great day!
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  1. HAHA what a cute little dude! Such a fun day!

  2. how cute! I love the family picture, it turned out great!

  3. Chief could have made the blessing outfit for $4. MUCH less than what it cost, but now all of our kids will be blessed in that outfit...even the girls.

  4. Special day - Love the Photos :)

    I really wish Diana and Jason could have been there too!

    Maybe I'll find the dress my girls were blessed in so your daughters won't have to wear a BOY Outfit!

  5. He looks so cute in his little blessing outfit! I love the photo at the top of your blog- is that at Lake Louise? It is gorgeous wherever it was taken. Oh, and great shirt as well ;)

  6. Hey! You had a baby, congratulations! Yay! ;)

    Seriously, thanks so much for the announcement, it's adorable!

    Annnnd, happy 3 months, Corby!

  7. Corby looks very wise sitting on the couch...sort of that Spencer W. Kimball look...cute!

    Hay, you can borrow Sam's baptism gown, if you's lovely!

    verification elatt Very Israeli

    A blessed Yom Kippur

  8. sundown....

    That's a Holy Day i need...a day committed to fasting and praying for forgiveness....Yes!

  9. I agree--blessing outfits cost way too much. But as they go, the one Corbyn's wearing is a good one! Corbyn's absolutely perfect. What a cute little boy!

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