Thursday, September 23, 2010

Your Favorite Baby

Here are some Corby pictures from the past few weeks.

Corby is my summer baby. He has lived in onesies almost exclusively since his birth. But I know as the weather gets colder I'll have to dress him warmer. A few weeks ago we had a colder night, so we got out his pants and jacket and dad took him on a walk while I went for my evening run. (He was also wearing socks, but those got taken off before the picture was taken.)

Here he is showing off his tricks with his new toy.

Sometimes after I feed Corby in the morning I'm not ready to get up, but he won't go back to sleep in his crib. So I put him in bed with me and he'll sleep for a few more hours. I know this won't last forever, but I'm enjoying the extra sleep for now. One morning Rog snapped this picture as he was headed off to work because we looked like twins.

And here is Corby with his new big kid toy. It's a jumper that spins around, so he can play with all of these different toys. He's still learning how to make it bounce and spin on his own, but he loves it when I help him do those things. He's already pretty good at playing with the toys.

Finally here is a video of the chuckle I was talking about... So cute!

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  1. Greatest video! Love it! Just hearing Roger's voice and Corby giggle makes me want to cry, i miss you all so much!!

    i love the "sleepy" picture...fantastic idea! Yay for sleep!

  2. Love the photos and how you match the blanket to the outfit :) I am so excited to see Corby's new tricks. Only one more day Corby and Grandma Lori comes to visit.

    Wish you lived closer dear Sis! I hate not being close to family but at least I am close enough to drive there :(

    Cute giggles - does he only do that for Dad?

  3. Aw... He is so cute!! I love the morning cuddles! He is getting so big!! Soon he will surpass Owen in size! Owen has the same Jumperoo... love it! Major cuteness!

  4. Hee, i just watched the two "Old Spice" commercials again (had to do something to cheer myself up after last night's Virginia ugliness). Anyhow...

    "I'm on a cart...hee-ya!"

    Thanks, guys!

  5. That laugh is adorable! And it was good to hear Rog's voice again too! What a doll. (Corbyn, that is! Okay, Roger too... :)

  6. MomLori You have a blog but no blog and a profile but no profile....???????

    Inquiring minds.....

  7. I have no clue about my blogless blog. I do like the title Lori saves $. I'll have to ask the blog expert - Shauna.

  8. Sis (Mom Lori) "we" want a real the dorky one i we can learn about you! ;)

    Chief Hope you all had fun in SL...heard the carrots were good :). How 'bout those cupcakes...? Yes, i am obsessed!

  9. So cute baby & Nice photo & video..

    Nice blog post.. Like it..

    Baby Toys
