Monday, September 27, 2010

Our Little Cougar

Corby attended his first BYU football game on Saturday! He hung out with his Grandma Ririe outside the stadium where it was cool and not so loud for most of the game. But he did enjoy most of the 3rd quarter inside the stadium with us.

He's such a cute little cougar!

It's a rebuilding year for the Cougs, so we didn't win. But we didn't get beat as badly as I thought we would either. Luckily we play Utah State next week, so a win is in our future!
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  1. So we play USU in our sad.........

    USU Well, at least my school was a FUN school :)

    Good memories :)

  2. Sorry Tracy... USU is really a great school. Their football team just isn't on the same level as BYU's football team.

  3. i'm the one that is sorry.... :(

    And, adorable pic's, by the way.

    Lovely ones, all three!

    USU's only great sports the hog wrastlin' team!

  4. Lucky for me it was too hot for Corby most of the game and when they did try to take him, he wasn't that thrilled to be there :)

    Corby is much more fun to watch than football!

  5. Rise and Shout, Corby is out! Love you guys.

  6. Corbyn looks GOOD in BLUE!!! Go Cougs, let's pull out a win this weekend, huh!?! I need to morale booster! :)

  7. Go Aggies......Suuuuuu-weeeee!!!

    (Where a r e you going???)
