Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tay and Martha's Wedding

Tay and Martha got married on Saturday, September 4th in the Logan Temple.

Unfortunately again we didn't take any pictures of the bride and groom. Martha has some pictures up on her blog and I'm sure she'll be adding more. It was a beautiful day and her dress was stunning.

In the rush of getting to the temple, we forgot our camera. But we did snap a few pictures on Rog's iPhone (sorry the quality isn't the best).

That evening they had a dinner that transitioned into a reception. Roger's Aunt Marillyn was nice enough to hold Corbyn during the dinner for us. He fell asleep in her arms. What a stud.

During the reception we got a picture of the complete set of Phillips ladies. We're a good looking bunch if I do say so myself.

Congrats to the happy couple! We're glad to have Martha as a part of our family!
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  1. No yellow ribbon for Edda :(

    Welcome to Martha :)

  2. Dear Shauna
    I was cleaning out my e-mails and ran across your blog address. I guess I was to busy to look at it before. Your baby boy is adorable. We will look forward to your future blogs. Your Long lost Aunt and Uncle Dave and Mary Lou

  3. Thanks for welcoming me into the family!
