Tuesday, October 19, 2010

4 Months

Corby had his 4 month birthday on Sunday and his 4 month appointment on Monday.

His stats:
Weight: 16 pounds, 4 ounces (80th percentile)
Height: 26 1/2 inches (95th percentile)

The Corb at 4 months:

*Plays in his jumper for hours every day
*Loves to look around and be distracted when he's supposed to be eating
*Sucks on everything and drools like crazy
*Discovered his feet and loves to suck on them
*Blows spit bubbles all day long
*Is quite the little talker - His doctor was very impressed by how vocal he is
*Scoots backward while on his back
*Still hates tummy time, sigh
*Has the best smile
*Brings joy to everyone he sees

This picture pretty much sums it up - CUTEST LITTLE BOY EVER!

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  1. Ohhhh, little doll baby! :)

    And everyone feels okay after the dreaded shots, i hope. Loved the darling picture picture and update.

    Lots of love and hugs to all,

  2. Cute! I can't believe he's that old already.

  3. Corby will have to show me all his tricks this weekend :)

    Excited to see all of you soon!

    Looking cute Corby and your outfit matches your blanket :)

  4. what a sweet little face! i can't believe he's already 4 months. landon hated tummy time too... have you tried having him do it on the boppy? landon seemed to like that better, and i always did it when he was the happiest during the day, which was in the mornings and right after eating. maybe you've already tried that stuff, but if not, it may be worthwhile for you!

  5. He is so cute!! I love his little bald head!! Can you believe he weighs the SAME as Owen!?!? Last time I took Owen to the doctor he was just under 16 pounds... at 8 MONTHS!!! Haha. What a good big boy! Love it!
