Monday, October 18, 2010


Last Thursday I went to the book signing of Bakerella's Cake Pops book. I convinced Anna to come along with me and my SIL, McKae, met us there.

{Bakerella, Anna, me}

We had a great time!

Stay tuned for some cake pop projects coming up in the next few weeks!
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  1. I'm excited to eat some :)

    Even if they look too cute to eat!

  2. Oh looks so fun- I really do wish I could have joined you! How is her book, do you love it?

  3. Look at you, lovely one! :)

    Wish one of my favorite authors would come to do a book signing...such is to be said for obsurcity!

    Spoiler Warning

    Hope the Corb....,and especially you, have recovered from vaccination day. :(
