Thursday, October 28, 2010

BYU vs. Wyoming

For last Saturday's football game against Wyoming I made football shaped cake pops. They turned out pretty good if I do say so myself!

Grandma let Corby hold one and he's at the age where everything goes into his mouth... So he might have got a tiny taste of chocolate... But he didn't eat it, if that makes you feel better.

It was raining pretty bad before the game, so Corby hung out with his grandma the whole time.

Luckily it stopped just in time for the game. And we were able to pull out a win, so the game was a success!
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  1. I couldn't miss that photo opp - especially when Corby's outfit matched the cake pop so well :) Corby and I had fun hanging out :)

    It was a fun weekend with my family - I even got to see my sis, Tracy :)

  2. Thanks for the Chocolate Grandma.

  3. You are very welcome sweet Corby :)
